The following are some thoughts that may help in dealing with yourself and others.
- Be respectful of others and of yourself.
- Know your limits. Know when to say "no" and then do so.
- Be clear in what you expect both from others and from yourself. If you are not clear about what you want, how will you or others know when you've achieved it?
- Never assume anything. Ask and clarify!
- Recognize strengths, what do you or others do well?
- Appreciate positive behavior, acknowledge it, celebrate it, let others know about it.
- Be sincere. People can tell when you're not!
- People don't make mistakes on purpose.
- All mistakes are learning opportunities.
- Encourage progress. It takes a long time to reach perfection so enjoy the small wins along the way.
- See problems as opportunities. It's amazing how many options you will find from this point of view.
- People prefer to be led, not managed. They would also prefer to follow, rather than to be dragged along.
- Henry Ford was was on to something when he said "Whether you believe you can do a thing or believe you can't - you are right."
And finally, one of my favorite statements is from Eleanor Roosevelt,
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".